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Heart Disease and Oral Health

The American Heart Association published a Statement in April 2012 supporting an association between gum disease and heart disease.  Some research suggests that gum disease may be a more serious risk factor for heart disease than high blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, high cholesterol, gender and age.  Studies suggest that people who have gum disease seem to be at a higher risk for heart attacks, although no one is certain how this relationship works.

The current theory is that bacteria present in infected gums can come loose and move throughout the body.  The same bacteria that cause gum disease and irritate your gums might travel to your arteries. 

Research shows that your risk of developing cardiovascular disease varies according to the severity of gum infection.  The worse the infection, the more likely the bacteria are to become blood-borne.  Infected gums bleed, making it easier for bacteria to enter your bloodstream.  If bacteria become dislodged, the bacteria can enter through cuts or sores in your mouth and can travel to other parts of the body through your bloodstream.

If bacteria reach the arteries, they can irritate them in the same way that they irritate gum tissue.  This could cause arterial plaque to accumulate, which can cause hardening of the arteries and decreased or blocked bloodflow.  Compromised bloodflow to your heart can cause a heart attack.  Also, arterial plaque can come loose and travel to other parts of the body.  If a blockage occurs in the brain, it can cause a stroke.

Keep your mouth healthy!  Gum disease is a serious gum infection that should always be taken seriously.  Although gum disease can often show few or no symptoms at all, watch for gums that are red and irritated and bleed easily.  There are many new treatments available to control and help reverse gum disease.

The American Dental Association believe the most important thing you can do to avoid gum disease and maintain good oral health is:

If you have any questions about your oral health, ask the best general dentist in Evansville, IN- Dr Jenkins!


sources: by ADA and by AGD


A Woman's Touch Dentistry

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